Ithaca incubator aims for early-fall opening

Tom Schryver shows off the logo of Ithaca Startup Works in the Carey Building in downtown Ithaca Tuesday. /DAVID HILL/Staff photo
Ithaca incubator aims for early-fall opening
The business incubator being built by Cornell University, Ithaca College and Tompkins Cortland Community College has a name, a website, a coordinator on staff and an opening target of early fall.
Officials with Cornell, which is leading creation of the business start-up center, showed off the work-in-progress at the Carey Building at 314 E. State/Martin Luther King Jr. St. Tuesday, and offered an update on turning the second and to-be-built third floor into a home for entrepreneurs with potentially job-creating businesses.
It will be called Rev Ithaca Startup Works and its website is revithaca.com. It’s taking applications for member start-upbusinesses and has its first employee. He is Alec Mitchell, an Ithaca College alumnus whose worked in the area’s start-up community already and will provide support for member businesses — keeping the lights and heat on, the Internet service running, and office supplies stocked.