Rev's First Member Company Acquired by GORGES Inc.
When Rev opened on September 22nd 2014 we featured four different companies that made commitments to joining Rev and becoming the first of our community. The list included Givegab, Ship Index, Audiarchy and Push Interactive. Since this point in time our membership growth has exploded to include 17 different member companies.
One of the first four companies, Push Interactive, created a suite of applications that communicate with small bluetooth beacons (iBeacons) to create location based information. They found applications using the technology for advertising, helping to manage events, real estate and more. Their first customer was a local Ithaca landlord who had them create an application that lets prospective tenants view apartment information as they drove by. This included photos, contact information, amenities and rental costs. As Push Interactive moved forward with this deal, and began working with other customers, they had created a wealth of code and value for their company.
We are proud to be able to announce that this value allowed Push Interactive, one of our first four member companies, to be acquired and expanded as part of local Ithaca company GORGES, Inc! As part of the acquisition GORGES Inc will now have a significantly expanded wealth of knowledge behind mobile, wearable and location based technologies. GORGES Inc has additionally will additionally be working to continue building out an application for Rev allowing us to display who is currently at Rev, and for us to aggregate what spaces are used most often.
Alec Mitchell
-Link to GORGES, Inc’s press release-