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Hardware Assistants

Hardware Accelerator Student Instructors

Each year, Rev: Ithaca Startup Works hires 1 or 2 student instructors, usually juniors, seniors or MEngs to help manage the Rev prototyping shop and help teams with prototyping. Students who consider themselves “makers” are ideal candidates regardless of educational background. This is 5 – 15 hours per week job that pays $15/hour.


Applicants should be proficient in several of the following:

  • Prototyping: 3D printing/Laser cutting/CNC/basic, and basic shop tools
  • Electronics: Familiar with modern microprocessors and able to help teams go from a prototype made with standard components such as an Arduino or Raspberry pi to a custom PCB
  • Familiar with WiFi/Bluetooth/Other radio protocols
  • Mechanical design: Enclosure and mechanical design
  • Comfortable with Autodesk Fusion, Sketchup, and CAM
  • Can move a design from screen to physical prototype
  • Cloud and embedded computing: skills required to move and  store data to/from connected microprocessor to the cloud and   back again with protocols such as MQTT
  • Familiar with Cloud Data System such as AWS and tools such as Node-Red


Interested students should send their resumes to [email protected] with the subject like “Hardware Accelerator Student Instructors”