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Author: Katharine Downey

A group of people is gathered in a collaborative workspace, engaged in what appears to be a demonstration or presentation. Several individuals are standing around a table that displays various small objects and devices, possibly related to a technology or hardware project. One person seated at the table is explaining or showcasing something to the others, using hand gestures to emphasize points. The atmosphere is focused, with some participants actively observing and others working in the background. The room is well-lit, with posters and equipment visible, indicating a creative or educational environment, a "demo day".

Rev: Ithaca Startup Works unveils new “Protofacturing” program

Rev: Ithaca Startup Works launched applications for the business incubator’s new Protofacturing Hardware Accelerator — a program connecting the existing Prototyping and Manufacturing Hardware Accelerators and helping entrepreneurs refine their prototypes.   "We're bridging the gap between prototyping and manufacturing to help entrepreneurs get to...

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A diverse group of around 30 people is gathered on an outdoor balcony for a group photo. They appear to be a mix of young adults and a few older individuals, all casually dressed. Some are sitting on the wooden deck, while others stand behind them. The background shows a view of buildings and greenery under a cloudy sky. The group is smiling and appears to be enjoying the moment together, with the vibe of a casual, friendly gathering.

Introducing the 2024 Prototyping Hardware Accelerator Cohorts

Rev: Ithaca Startup Works is excited to welcome the newest entrepreneurs joining this summer’s Prototyping Hardware Accelerator. Over 10 weeks, Rev’s Prototyping Hardware Accelerator guides product teams from a “back of the napkin idea” to a fully-fledged startup. Teams participate...

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Graphic that shows the stats from Rev's member companies in 2023.

Continued Success for Rev’s Startup Community in 2023

The numbers are trickling in for 2023, another successful year for the founders, employees, and investors of Rev: Ithaca Startup Work’s 32 member startups. Success looked different for our Rev members as some accepted new partnerships, some closed rounds of...

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Image of a photon. Blue wavy lines on a black background.

Photon Counting Systems Revolutionizes Scientific Imaging 

As scientific research and solutions continue to evolve, so should the tools used to achieve these breakthroughs. New Rev member company Photon Counting Systems LLC is revolutionizing scientific imaging across medicine and science with their ultra-high-speed wide field photon counting...

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